Looking for COOP Planning for healthcare facilities?
Learn more about continuity of operations planning for healthcare.
Manage your business and protect revenue through every kind of situation
With the modern business culture of 24/7 connectivity and global business relationships, it is critical for businesses to develop Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP). A quality operations plan protects your business in case of emergencies ranging from fires to a sick workforce.
Previously only the concern of governments and critical infrastructure services, businesses should be considering developing COOPs to protect their revenue-producing avenues, as well as ensuring their operation can return to normal as quickly as possible after an operation interruption.
Facility protection
Understand how your facility is vulnerable.
Transportation issues
What if a snowstorm slows ambulances, patients, or supplies?
Fire protection
Fire protection and “what if” scenarios designed to keep you running
Radio and Comms failure
Know what to do if if communications fail or falter
Flood mitigation
Don’t just assume you’ll know how to handle a flood.
Virus and illness
Keep your facility running in the face of mass illness and call-ins.
Plus these other common disruptions
- Widespread power outages
- Hurricanes
- Floods
- Riots and unrest
- Blizzards and Ice storms
- Significant workforce illnesses
- Biological, Radiological or Nuclear act or accident
- Fire at the healthcare facility
- An overwhelming surge of patients
- Any other situation that prevents or disrupts proper medical care
In any of these situations, a business can be affected in ways that can interrupt the revenue-producing stream or affect operations long-term.
For instance, widespread power outages can affect computers, server farms, employee safety and well-being, machinery, and the transport of goods. Typically, these power outages will only be local in manner, meaning customers and supporting industries will be unaffected. The suffering business will lose revenue and customers may seek to replace the provided service to keep their operations running, meaning the potential for long-term loss of revenue.
COOPs support stakeholders and business owners
- Guard your revenue stream
- Ensure operating costs can be covered and debt serviced
- Preserve the livelihood of employees
- Protect the reputation of your company.
Detailed COOPs provided by Vantage Point address
- Leadership and management of the company
- Critical infrastructure (electricity, water, security)
- Where to route goods to or from if your facility is affected
- Suitable locations to temporarily relocate business services
- Ensuring that necessary personnel are on hand and can remain so for the duration
- Any other steps to ensure the long-term production of your company or any steps which will allow your company to resume operations in the shortest period possible following an interruption
To maintain effectiveness, these plans also need to be reviewed and updated annually. Audits by Vantage Point can put your old, existing, or new plans to the test.
Without guidance, a business runs the risk of auditing incomplete plans without realizing the shortfalls, or not realizing that existing plans may not be able to meet the stresses of a real-world disaster situation.
Request a free consultation about Continuity of Operations Planning
Request a free 15-minute conversation about your facility’s operations, continuity of operations plans, and audits available. It’s free, confidential, and available at no-risk to you.