(844) 982-6824 

Incident Command and Emergency Operations for Municipal and Public Employees

Joel Heavner paces before a screen and audience of public works employees about Incident Command Systems training

Improving municipal response and action before, during, and after a critical incident

A new workshop series designed for common understanding between all levels of city-county government and municipalities 

Help your street, sewer, sanitation, and other municipal employees respond to critical incidents, disasters, and hazardous material spills, and other emergencies with this new workshop. Incident Command for Municipal Employees helps train on-the-ground workers to understand the basics of incident command and:

  • Understand common terms
  • Work in a command structure for maximum efficiency
  • Increase accountability and responsibility
  • Improve constituent services and response
  • Work together with integrated communications
  • And better collaboration between municipal employees, emergency operations centers, law enforcement, and fire departments
Joel Heavner leads a group of men seated at tables on Incident Command Systems
Men from the Greenwood Public Works department learn about Incident Command Systems during a special workshop.

Available as a standalone workshop, delivered on-site in your community

VPC staff can come to you and your teams, meeting at a location in your community to reduce travel time. We can also offer multiple workshops on the same day or multiple days and times to cover multiple shifts.

All VPC staff conducting this workshop are certified in Incident Command System training.

Improving communication, span of control, and resource management

When stormwater districts, sewer managers, utility companies, healthcare providers, and emergency personnel work together, resources are managed more effectively, efficiently, and with a dramatic reduction in costs of time, supplies, and equipment. Incident Command Systems help allocate resources where they are most needed and within a management span of control of three to seven people.

Get your city or county staff trained in what they need to know about Incident Command

When municipal workers at all levels understand Incident Command, agencies and units of government will have better after-action reports that are faster to write, easier to understand, and more detailed.

You’ll come away with more ways to improve for the next hazmat spill, tornado, flood, or critical incident.

Start here to request more information for your team.

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