(844) 982-6824 

Joel Heavner

Joel Heavner

Joel Heavner

Training Coordinator

Mr. Joel Heavner has been a contractor with Vantage Point for over 10 years. During this time, he has assisted hospitals and healthcare facilities conduct exercises, develop emergency preparedness policies, and provided trainings for organizations across the State. Joel has facilitated many Hospital Incident Command System courses as well as Incident Management Team courses. Joel is a professional firefighter and has been an emergency responder for over 15 years. Joel also has completed his degree in Public Safety Management from IUPUI, and is completing his Master Degree in Workplace Safety from Indiana University.

Joel is married to Jenna Heavner and they have 3 children. Joel’s family is from northern Indiana, and Jenna’s is from southern Indiana, so they spend a lot of time traveling across the state to see family. During their travels, they love to find new places throughout the Hoosier state to visit. Some of their favorites are the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Pokagon State Park, and Brown County State Park.

Joel enjoys being able to work as a first responder who is also able to understand the world of the first receivers in the healthcare field. “I love seeing the ways in which our responders, receivers, and planners can all coordinate our resources and efforts in order to meet the needs of our communities. Being able to watch entities work together to tackle potential issues or emergencies is inspiring, and knowing I can have a part in their collective efforts is extremely satisfying.”

Joel is currently working with Hancock County Health Department, assisting with their emergency preparedness coordinators through Vantage Point’s Health Department Preparedness Staffing efforts. He is also the District 5 Healthcare Coalition representative for Vantage Point, coordinating any exercises, education, and planning contracts within the district.

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