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New: HazMat Operations First Receivers with Patient & Animal Decon

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Two-day training in HazMat Operations will educate First Receivers on how to respond to HazMat events and safely conduct patient and service animal decontamination.

Vantage Point Consulting is proud to announce we are partnering with Fort Wayne-based Nature’s Way Animal Response and Rehabilitation. VPC will provide a two-day patient and service animal HazMat First Receiver’s Course.

During the two-day training, attendees will learn:

  • Hazardous materials overview and response
  • Proper donning and doffing of Personal Protective Equipment
  • Hands-on decontamination of mock patients
  • Hands-on decontamination of live animals

Over the last ten years VPC has conducted hundreds of exercises with healthcare providers. “We have noticed few if any of the hospitals and medical facilities have plans for how to decontaminate a service animal in a HazMat situation,” says Vantage Point Consulting President Troy Jester.

Because everyone with a service animal views it as family and an extension of themselves, caretakers will not abandon their service animals. Nor will they let them out of their sight or touch. This puts humans at additional potential risk.

“People with service animals expect their service animals to be taken care of with the same level of care and expediency as humans receive,” says Jester. “That is what this training aims to remedy inside hospitals and healthcare facilities,” he adds.

Nature’s Way Animal Response is a nonprofit organization founded in 2002 that specializes in Technical Animal Rescue. Their teams travel the country training first responders how to handle animals involved in traffic accidents, HazMat situations, and natural disasters. For more information visit http://nwart.org.

Founded in 2015, Vantage Point Consulting provides accredited, high-quality disaster and crisis response training to public and private organizations across the United States. We train hospital staff, emergency responders, law enforcement, and private companies in a variety of issues and circumstances.

We've worked with these and dozens of other partners across the U.S.