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School bus safety and legislation

Vantage Point Consulting

Ambulatory surgery centers from across the state will participate in an active threat tabletop exercise

On October 5, 2018, ambulatory surgery centers from across the state will participate in an active threat tabletop exercise. The exercise will test many capabilities of how surgery centers would respond to an active threat emergency within their facility. Continue Reading Ambulatory surgery centers from across the state will participate in an active threat tabletop exercise

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Team learning

There’s a surprising third option between vacations and short breaks

When you think of workplace stress, most of us think of frazzled colleagues or people staying up late or waking early to “get everything done”. But there are more sinister behaviors of stress. Employees are more likely to engage in unethical behavior like stealing, falsifying time sheets, or worse. Continue Reading There’s a surprising third option between vacations and short breaks

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Vantage Point Consulting

19 northeast Indiana healthcare providers will take part in emergency preparedness exercises September 10

11 counties in northeast Indiana’s District 3 will take place in an emergency preparedness exercise on September 10, 2018. This exercise will train and test area hospitals, health departments, emergency managers, and other healthcare partners. Continue Reading 19 northeast Indiana healthcare providers will take part in emergency preparedness exercises September 10

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7 things people should do for a safe workplace you’re probably not doing right now 1

7 things people should do for a safe workplace you’re probably not doing right now

After all, if you’re bringing your “A game” to work every day, so should they.  And while the employer has some responsibility in providing a safe workplace, everyone has the responsibility to report things that are not safe.  It might be simple things like moving equipment out of the way or it might involve processes that can be improved to provide a more seamless safe environment. Continue Reading 7 things people should do for a safe workplace you’re probably not doing right now

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