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7 things people should do for a safe workplace you’re probably not doing right now

7 things people should do for a safe workplace you’re probably not doing right now 1

Whether you work in an office, manufacturing, logistics, or other setting, you owe it to your employer to bring your “A game” to work every day.  There are some very simple things that you can easily incorporate into your workday do to ensure that you are as healthy as you can be.

  • As you strive to maintain a healthy weight, you can eat balanced meals and use healthy options if snacks are needed throughout the day.
  • Drink plenty of water each day. The general rule is 8-10 glasses of water.  In seasons of heat and humidity, that number can easily be higher.
  • Try to get 30 minutes of activity each day. That can be any type of activity that you enjoy.  If you are not the marathon type, consider walking.  You can walk to exercise, de-stress or to meditate.  At any rate, walking is a good place to start.
  • When you think about your workspace, consider cleaning your desk, keyboard, mouse and other work surfaces. Places that are subject to constant touching and handling can be a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria.
  • If you work with technology all day, take short technology breaks. Consider setting a timer to remind yourself to take that break. Getting up and walking away from the computer for just five minutes every hour will help reduce neck and eye strain.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep/rest. That will keep your mind sharp and focused.
  • Take your vacation. Time away from the everyday busyness of work rejuvenates the mind, body, and soul. These steps all work together to make you your best.

As employees, you expect your employer to provide a safe work environment.  After all, if you’re bringing your “A game” to work every day, so should they.  And while the employer has some responsibility in providing a safe workplace, everyone has the responsibility to report things that are not safe.  It might be simple things like moving equipment out of the way or it might involve processes that can be improved to provide a more seamless safe environment.

Someone in the workplace should have a broad awareness of recognizing and preventing hazards.  Vantage Point Consulting offers OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) General Industry Outreach Training Programs.  Class participants are introduced to safety and health principles and work practices that are covered in the General Industry Standards.

Not only do participants learn about safety and health hazards, they are introduced to all OSHA offers as well as employer responsibilities and worker rights.  “OSHA 10-hour classes introduce the participants to topics such as Introduction to OSHA, Hazard Communication, Safety Program Management, Lockout/Tagout and much more.” Bill Wallace, VPC Safety Branch Director.

Vantage Point currently offers a 10-hour and a 30-hour program with the 10-hour program geared to entry-level workers and the 30-hour program geared towards supervisors or workers with safety responsibilities. Wallace also shares that the “OSHA 30-hour courses take a deeper dive into many OSHA topics.

Participants are introduced to the OSHA 1910 Guides and how to use them. Classes spend a portion of each topic researching references for hazard recognition and prevention.” These programs can be conducted at one of the VPC training facilities or onsite at your facility with a pre-course walkthrough designed to make the training more applicable to your workplace.

To learn more about VPC class offerings, go to https://vantagepointc.com/safety-osha/


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